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Overdose Fatality Reviews: Data Prevention Framework

  • November 08, 2023
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Webinar


  • Webinar qualifies for 1.0 contact hour Category 1 MCHES upon post-evaluation survey. Must attend live event to receive credit.
  • Webinar qualifies for 1.0 contact hour Category 1 CHES upon post-evaluation survey. Must attend live event to receive credit.
  • For those who are not looking for credit.

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Overdose Fatality Reviews: Data Driven Prevention Framework

Overdose Fatality Reviews- November 8th, 12P-1P


The opioid overdose crisis has become a pressing public health emergency, demanding innovative approaches to tackle its complexities effectively. Overdose Fatality (OFR) is  an emerging and powerful tool that has demonstrated immense value in addressing the overdose crisis.

Attendees will be introduced to the concept of OFR, a comprehensive framework for understanding overdose fatalities and informing evidence-based interventions. The session emphasizes the importance of collaboration among stakeholders and jurisdictions in maximizing the impact of OFR. OFR’s multidisciplinary collaboration among stakeholders fosters a holistic understanding of the factors contributing to overdose deaths.

By the end of the webinar presentation, attendees will be able to list two benefits of implementing an Overdose Fatality Review.

Receive 1.0 Category 1 CHES free!

Nonmembers can pay $10 for credit upon post-evaluation

MN SOPHE Membership information available HERE.

Who should participate:  Public health professionals and students, healthcare professionals.

FREE for all participants, and free 1.0 CHES for MN SOPHE Members.  For nonmembers: 1.0 CHES are $10.  All participants will receive a certificate of attendance after participating and completing the evaluation form. 

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