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Get Involved: Join a Committee!

*Contact us at to join one of our committees to help advance MN SOPHE. Each committee meets on a monthly / bi-monthly basis.

Membership & Communications

Develop communication messages and update content on MN SOPHE social media accounts. Assist Membership Chair with member enhancement and recruitment strategies. Develop strategies to retain membership.



Explore funding opportunities with Treasurer. Develop and review annual budget.


Identify priority health issues and determine organization advocacy needs. Work with Advocacy Chair to establish and maintain connections with appropriate statewide advisory committees, organizations, etc. Develop position statements.


Committee is responsible for creating all awards and scholarships to be given on behalf of MNSOPHE. The committee shall also be responsible for selecting recipients of all awards. 

2019 MN SOPHE Summit Photo Credit:

Ladonna Tornabene, PhD, MCHES

University of Minnesota, Duluth

Associate Professor, Public Health

Department of Applied Human Sciences

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